Friday, May 12, 2017

Research papers on networking

In so doing, it aims to feed into the development of an appropriate strategy for Acas to better serve the SME population via its good practice services and dispute resolution services. The aim of this report is to provide up-to-date and nationally representative quantitative evidence on the attitudes and experiences of young workers, by analysing nationally representative survey data. The research covers qualitative interviews with 13 users of the service, including Acas arbitrators, conciliators, employers and union representatives. The results confirm longstanding indications that employers are indeed more likely to pay when Acas negotiates a settlement, the survey evidence finding that more than 9 in 10 settlements were paid in full without the need for recourse to enforcement procedures. This report details the results of a survey of employment practices and policies at workplaces in Kent. Taken together, this research provides robust evidence for the impact of Acas Workplace Projects and presents an insight into customer views, particularly regarding the future of the service and how it can be improved. Research at Google tackles the most challenging problems in Computer Science and related fields. Being bold and taking risks is essential to what we do This report summarises the findings of a small-scale exploratory research study on young people entering work, carried out in March and April 2013. The 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS 2004) is widely regarded as the most authoritative source of quantitative evidence on employment relations in Britain. Ref: 02/09 below), but there until now there has been limited evidence on the substance of PCC referrals that do result in an Employment Tribunal claim. It presents recent statistical data on agency working from the Labour Force Survey, alongside findings from 28 interviews, conducted across 11 agencies, four user firms, union and industry representatives, along with a small number of agency temps. This analysis, which is based on services delivered in 2014/15, provides an update to previous benefit-cost analyses drawing on the latest evaluation data across Acas services. This report provides an exploration of why and how organisations might influence the diffusion of HR practices across supply chains using a case study approach. Expert. Employers, employees and their representatives report high levels of satisfaction with case outcomes and with the Acas PCC service during the pilot. Research exploring Acas' six principal service areas and producing an overall cost benefit estimate of its contribution to the economy.

Networks research papers - Making a custom paper means work through a lot of steps Make a timed custom term paper with our help and make your This paper reports findings from feedback questionnaires sent to participants in and commissioners of Acas mediation in 2010/11. 10 networking papers: recommended reading. Full Text: Medium access control for wireless sensor networks has been a very active research area for the past couple The research examines customer satisfaction with outcomes, perceptions of conciliator skills and behaviours and the impact of PCC on employment relationships. This paper summarises key findings of research into the perceptions of service users. This report looks at 'neurodiversity' as an issue that impacts on workplace relations. This report examines the incidence, role and impact of worker representatives (union and non-union) in British workplaces between 2004 and 2011 based on secondary data analysis from the Workplace Employment Relations Study (WERS). This report provides some insight into the complexities of dealing with multiple discrimination from the experiences of trade union Equality Reps, suggesting that multiple discrimination can be difficult to identify, and may include characteristics outside of the protected equality grounds. computer science network security research papers year 2014. Will cyber-insurance improve network security: A market analysis network-security-research-paper-100 The 2012 customer survey was notable for being the final evaluation of IC ahead of the introduction of a new fees regime for Employment Tribunals in Summer 2013 and Early Conciliation (EC) in 2014; the findings provide a benchmark against which to make future comparisons from 2014 onwards. The CAMS project brought together social partners, public authorities and industrial relations experts from France, Italy, Poland, Portugal and the UK to exchange information about the development of conciliation, arbitration and mediation services in Europe against the background of changing trends in individual and collective conflicts at work. Two substantive issues are explored: the characteristics associated with previous experience of mediation in resolving workplace conflict; and the impact of prior knowledge and experience of mediation in this context. Writers. A report on findings from an in-depth study of parties taking up mediation services under the Acas Mediation Pilot, which provided free services to businesses with fewer than fifty employees. The focal point of the research was a full, structured survey to map officials' views, strategies and behaviours: 1,024 officials from 63 trade unions responded, making this one of the most comprehensive surveys of paid union negotiating officials in recent times. A report on a qualitative research project funded by the European Social Fund and Acas. This report outlines the findings from the evaluation of Acas' Arbitration service. The report starts with a look back of this Acas service over its life span before highlighting key findings from the data to give an overarching assessment of the context and impacts of workplace projects to inform the future of this service.

Research papers on networking

An interview-based report on the attitudes of ethnic minority small businesses towards employment relationships. Acas reviews attitudes to its services through its regular customer surveys. Once again the results from the survey are positive and further highlight the value of Acas involvement in Employment Tribunal cases. Towards a system of conflict management? This report presents the findings of the first ever evaluation of 'Helpline Online', Acas' automated web-based information and advice service, launched in 2013. Contains information on ongoing research projects, academic information, job news, and academic resource links. The findings provide a rich source of information to inform decisions on policy, practices and priorities. Scientific Research Journal (Scirj) is leading open access research journal publishes research papers in various field of science, technology and art. Scirj call The research measures and identifies the determinants of successful outcomes as well as eliciting customers' satisfaction with the service and views about its impact. See also:   Acas Recognition Research Summary [43kb]. research paper on computer science-computer network related paper free research paper-computer network 2011-2010 research paper-computer science-network secur This research is based on a review of relevant case law, wider literature review and a series of qualitative interviews to explore issues surrounding dress codes and appearance management in UK workplaces and their impact on employment relations. A report on the findings of the 2003 survey of callers to the Acas National Helpline, considering areas such as customer satisfaction, call content, caller characteristics, and action taken following the call. A study considering the employers' attitudes towards pregnancy and women of child-bearing age, and their experiences of issues such as costs, health and safety, rights and obligations, and access to information. Dr Latreille's thematic review of mediation in the workplace provides an overview of the key issues relating to mediation - its benefits, risks and the challenges in establishing effective mediation arrangements at work. Case Management Discussions (CMD) are conducted in more complex Employment Tribunal cases. Fifteen of the 25 cases were mediated by Acas with a further six managed within in-house mediation schemes and four by a private mediation provider. These findings are supplemented with insights from four case studies of Workplace Projects and three workshops with HR professionals. This report examines the nature of employment relations in each of the four broad geographical areas into which Acas' activities are organised (The South East of England; The South West, Midlands and Wales; The North of England; Scotland). It is based on data from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) series; a national survey of British workplaces and employees which provides a comprehensive account of the state of employment relations and working life in Britain. The WERS data are used to examine changes in each of the specified regions over the period 2004-2011, and to identify areas in which employment relations in each region differs from the Rest of Great Britain. The report discusses the impacts of 'Open Access' training detailing the medium to long-term organisational effects of the service and comparing impacts and effectiveness of different topic/product types to evaluate and improve the service. Order essay! Download the   Infographic - Acas conciliation evaluation 2016 [117kb]. Research investigating awareness and use of Acas and its services amongst its two key audiences - employers and employees - with data based on a nationally representative telephone survey of employers and a face-to-face survey of employees. This report presents the findings from an evaluation of how employers and employees in Great Britain use and perceive the Acas website. Networking Research Papers. Last week, I ordered for an academic essay with a deadline of 24 hours for 153 research proposal apa format. Upon learning it, I contacted

This paper looks at the gender distribution of applications to employment tribunals and case outcomes. Report on a small pilot study to provide evidence and understanding of how temporary work agencies set pay levels and, where they do not set pay, the extent to which they influence pay. This paper reports on findings from a survey of employers and employees referred for Pre-Claim Conciliation during 2012. Building on previous work for Acas (see paper 11/11 below), this research project considers how and why employers use social media tools for recruitment, the risks and opportunities and the implications for provision of advice to managers, workers and employer and employee representative bodies. This survey was carried out by the Institute for Employment Studies with employers, employees and third parties who had used the Acas national helpline. The results from the survey are positive and highlight the value of Acas involvement in Employment Tribunal cases. This report sets out the results of a exploratory research project examining the implications of social networking and mobile information and communications technologies in the workplace. This paper reports the findings of an evaluation of Acas conciliation in ET applications; the first service evaluation since the introduction of EC in 2014. In 2009, Acas and the ETS conducted a pilot to explore the possibility that the attendance of an Acas conciliator at a CMD would increase the chances of case resolution without recourse to a full hearing. Comeback! It also examines the influence of the Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures.

This paper is a systematic account of the operating styles of Acas conciliators based upon interviews with the conciliation parties. This report fills an important evidence gap for robust data pertaining to payment of Acas COT3 settlements; this was under keen debate following recent concerns at the proportions of claimants who have not received the awards granted to them by Employment Tribunals. The findings of this evaluation show cost and time savings to both employers and employees involved in this pilot and a net financial benefit to the taxpayer. This report explores the experiences of multiple discrimination of Employment Tribunals claimants and reviews some case reports from Citizens Advice Bureaux and considers the issues of multiple identities, the role of workplace culture and advice and support needs of people experiencing discrimination. Write my essay! The research used face-to-face in-home interviews, an online panel survey, a telephone survey and in-depth interviews to examine awareness of and use (and non-use) of the website, why and how the website is used, overall satisfaction with the website, outcomes of using the website and use of downloadable guidance and publications. This report brings together findings from all five of the States that were involved in the study. The evaluation is based on a telephone survey of 342 customers (employers and trade unions) who used collective conciliation between October 2014 and December 2015, which was supplemented by 14 in-depth qualitative interviews. A separate accompanying report (Ref: 14/14, above) provides an overview of employment relations in the four broad regions into which Acas' activities are organised.

This paper covers user perceptions of Acas training services, providing analysis of several surveys of delegates on open access events, workplace training and e-learning in 2005/6. 5/5/2017 · Alzforum has released Version 2.0 of AlzBiomarker. This database organizes decades of data on CSF and blood markers and for a bird's-eye view of the AD.. This report describes the findings of a pilot study which explored the impact of the accompaniment and representation of employees within disciplinary and grievance processes. This report offers an updated review of Acas' approach to homeworking based on new data collected among its employees via interviews, a quantitative survey and diary study. The Acas Pre-Claim Conciliation Service (PCC) aims to identify workplace disputes between employers and employees which may become employment tribunal claims and resolve them effectively before they enter the tribunal system. The existence of a 'glass ceiling' leads to combined discrimination of gender and age. The report covers issues relating to the background of the mediation, perceptions of the process itself and parties' satisfaction with the outcome reached. write my paper for me cheap motels Results suggest that the high service standards observed in previous years have at the very least been maintained, with some indication that they have slightly improved in the last two years. This report presents the findings from the survey of representatives that was undertaken as part of SETA 2008. These have the common features of other social media platforms, but they are closed and exclusive, with membership restricted to an individual organisation. Journal of Medical Internet Research - International Scientific Journal for Medical Research, Information and Communication on the Internet It also looks at the policies and strategies employers can put in place to manage legal and reputational risks.
This report describes the findings of the first ever survey to assess the medium- to long-term organisational effects of the service.  By interviewing main commissioning clients, 3-15 months post-intervention, the survey evaluated the impacts of Workplace Training on its customers, particularly with regard to the promotion of effective employment relations, providing a rich source of new information. It also explores their links to the incidence of grievances, disciplinary sanctions, dismissals, employment tribunals and employee attitudes. A website for the 8th edition of A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate Turabian. This report is one in a series of papers exploring innovative approaches to conflict management in the workplace. This report presents an evaluation of the 'Innovative Workplaces' Initiative. This programme of work, funded by the East Midlands Development Agency, offered in-depth support to ten diverse organisations seeking to improve organisational  performance. Essay writer. General principles RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 90 countries to enhance the dissemination of research This report presents the findings from a survey of 158 Acas Workplace Projects users for projects conducted from October 2010 - December 2011. The survey was conducted in the summer of 2001 and was carried out by the University of Greenwich Business School with financial support from Acas South Eastern Area. This report outlines the findings from the first evaluation of Acas' Early Conciliation (EC) service, which was launched in April 2014.

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